Last Friday our 9th and 10th grade students; Martina Nylund, Javiera Gómez, Valentin Jara and Daniel González participated in a Spelling Bee Contest organized by Universidad Andrés Bello, Concepción.
A Spelling Bee Contest is a competition in which contestants are asked to study a big amount of words first, in order to spell them in the correct way.
This experience helped them to enrich their vocabulary, develop spelling skills and raise interest and motivation to continue learning the language.
We congratulate to these students who voluntarily participated in this wonderful experience and we invite to the rest of our students to think about English not as a subject only but also as a tool for the future.
Mariana Sandoval Urra
Teacher of English
Colegio La Fuente
El pasado viernes nuestros alumnos Martina Nylund (2°M), Javiera Gómez(2°M), Valentin Jara(1°M) y Daniel González(2°M) participaron en un Concurso de Ortografía (Spelling Bee) organizado por la Universidad Andrés Bello, Concepción.
Felicitamos a estos alumnos que voluntariamente participaron de esta maravillosa experiencia e invitamos al resto de nuestros alumnos a pensar en el inglés no solo como una materia sino también como una herramienta para el futuro.